Severe Idiopathic Scoliosis, Treated with Preoperative Halo-Gravity Traction and then Posterior Spinal Fusion

The patient presented with the below scoliosis, no prior treatment. The proximal thoracic curve measured 57 degrees, and the main thoracic 91 degrees in skeletally mature patient. The patient has developed daily back pain, which is interfering with school and sporting activities. Not only does scoliosis cause chest asymmetry and back pain, but it can […]

The Use of Internal Distraction in Severe Scoliosis

In severe scoliosis, the use of traction has demonstrated an ability to improve the spinal deformity before surgery was actually performed.  There are three main methods: 1.   Preoperative halo-gravity traction 2.    Intraoperative halo-femoral traction 3.   Intraoperative Internal Dis-Traction   This post will focus on #3: Intraoperative Internal Dis-Traction   To demonstrate this treatment we […]

Latest Publication on Intraoperative Halo-Femoral Traction

  Appointments: 314-514-3500                      Appointments: 314-432-3600    This study was just published in the Journal of Spine Deformity For those interested to read more please use this hyperlink supplied by the publisher:

“Internal Dis-traction”

The last 4 posts have been on spine traction, and this is the last one, which details the third type traction we use in pediatric and adolescent spine deformity surgery: Temporary Intra-operative Distraction Rods (TIDR).  This type of traction, like Halo-Gravity and Intraoperative Halo-Femoral Traction, are used for the correction of severe scoliosis.  Each of […]

Intraoperative Halo-femoral Traction Part 2

In nonambulatory neuromuscular scoliosis (i.e. cerebral palsy, spinal muscle atrophy, myelomeningocoele, muscular dystrophy) progressive scoliosis with long, sweeping curves can cause significant tipping of the hips which can create sitting imbalance, pressure sores and pain.              12 year old female with spastic quadriplegic CP   The goal of surgical treatment […]

Intraoperative Halo-femoral Traction

As mentioned in the previous blog post, the use of halo-gravity traction (HGT) before surgery is a safe and very effective technique to improve severe spinal deformity, prior to a corrective surgical procedure.  On one end of the spine, the head, a carbon-fibre frame is placed onto the skull and a vertical force is placed […]

Halo-Gravity Traction–243 Earlier this spring I put up three blog posts on Halo-Gravity Traction.  I will briefly re-present it here as a way to launch into the two other types of traction we utilize: Intraoperative Halo-Femoral Traction and Internal “Dis-traction” Technique. What is halo-gravity traction? As you see from the three young patients above, […]

Spine Traction in Scoliosis

Question: My child’s spine doctor says they want to use “traction” on my child’s spine.  This sounds scary.  What is it?  Is this something new?  I have never heard of it. Answer: Spine traction to correct spinal deformity is not a new concept; in fact, the first applications were reported in ancient Hindu mythological epics […]

Halo-Gravity Traction in Spinal Deformity Treatment (Part 3)

Do the kids lie in bed the entire time? Absolutely not. The only time they are in bed is to sleep, take a nap or rest.  Otherwise the patients in traction are kept busy and upright. If patients are in bed they will not get the maximal benefit from the traction, so the more they […]

Halo-Gravity Traction in Spinal Deformity Treatment (Part 2)

To provide a more complete answer from the last blog on “when” we use halo-gravity traction, the answer is: Before spine deformity surgery, at which time growing rods, Shilla Growth Guidance System or a definitive spinal fusion is performed.  Case: 5 year old male with 101 degree curve.   Decreases to 72 degrees after 6 weeks […]

Halo-Gravity Traction in Spinal Deformity Treatment (Part 1)

1. What is halo-gravity traction (HGT)? Gravity pulls the body down, and causes the spine to bend and twist more, especially for those individuals with scoliosis or kyphosis or both.  Simply put, gravity makes spinal deformity worse.  Laying down in bed, or on the ground, negates the force of gravity making the spinal deformity better […]