3-12-2024 This is a 10 year old female with idiopathic scoliosis. Radiographs measured out a 64 degree right thoracic curve. To determine the treatment options some of the additional information is crucial. Specifically, the amount of growth remaining which is best determined by the Sanders classification. This patient is a 3- which means the spine […]
Category: ApiFix
Talking Points about Thoracic Vertebral Body Tethering vs. ApiFix
Vertebral Body Tethering (VBT) and the ApiFix device are procedures which have garnered a lot of attention from surgeons, patients and families. Below is a list of talking points which should be known about VBT and ApiFix so there can be informative, educated, transparent discussions about VBT and ApiFix, when compared to the other commonly-performed […]
What is ApiFix?
In previous posts the Anterior Vertebral Body Tethering (VBT) has been presented. This implant utilizes the flexibility of the growing thoracic spine, and its growth, to straighten the spine and then modulates its growth through the remainder of spinal growth. There has been a lot of social media interest and publications about this procedure over […]
New publication comparing MAGEC Growing Rods, Posterior Spinal Fusion and Vertebral Body Tether in 8-11 year old scoliosis patients
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2021 Oct 1. doi: 10.1097/BRS.0000000000004245. Online ahead of print. Magnetically Controlled Growing Rods (MCGR) Versus Single Posterior Spinal Fusion (PSF) Versus Vertebral Body Tether (VBT) in Older Early Onset Scoliosis (EOS) Patients: How Do Early Outcomes Compare? Catherine Mackey 1, Regina Hanstein, Yungtai Lo, Majella Vaughan, Tricia St Hilaire, Scott J Luhmann, Michael G Vitale, Michael P Glotzbecker, Amer Samdani, Stefan Parent, Jaime […]
ApiFix MID-C
Non-fusion technologies for the treatment of scoliosis in the growing patient, has garnered increasing interest from patients and surgeons over the last 10 years. The advantages have been touted as being a minimally invasive procedure, rapid postoperative recovery, faster resumption of normal activities, less postoperative pain and preservation of more spine motion, when compared to […]